Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Safe and Sound

> We are all safe and sound in Lusaka and hopefully starting to stir to depart for Lusaka Airport. It is 5 am and we will be starting the first major leg if our journey home this morning. London here we come!!!
> We had a few hours yesterday before departing from Livingstone. There was just enough time to step off the edge ... Down into Victoria Falls by bungee and across the Falls by Zipline.
> Hmmm... How many participants do you think there were? Was one of them your family member?
> Make you guesses... Find out if you are right soon.
> Sent from my iPhone


  1. I guarantee Reg went for it!! Bungee jumping is on his bucket list and that would have been the perfect place to do it!

  2. I think Zee has Bungie jumping on the list with Caterpillars, so, I am not expecting to see photos of her with a rope around her ankles!
    Maybe with some coercion she might have tried the Zip Line.
    I will wait for the photo evidence.
